Monday, October 26, 2015

Seasons Changing

While walking though campus today I noticed the changing of the seasons as the trees were different shades of green, yellow, red, and orange. During this time I was reminded of one of the first questions asked during my clinical training, "what causes people to change?" The professor stated this will guide your work as a therapist.

My response was I believe people change because something has happened or they foresee something as going to happen. If they did not like the outcome of what happened or they do not like the anticipated outcome, as a result motivation for change will ensue.

While this is a rudimentary explanation, it is applicable to me based upon my experiences. I'm not writing this post to provide some great insight but instead I am writing to incite some curiosity on your behalf, what motivates you to change? Perhaps knowing this is another way for us to break some barriers of our own.

There's a definitive answer to why leaves change color (it's due to the breakdown of chlorophyll) however why we change isn't so explicit.


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